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Pie Graph

Bar Graph

Masked Sprites

Puzzle Solutions

Street Map

All examples shown here are included in the examples directory in the distribution so the I won't both you with the source code!

Pie Graph

Flash tools has a utility for generating pie graphs. The example for this film is PieGraph.py. Of course the colours are configurable ...

Bar Graph

There is also a utility class for generating bar graphs. The corresponding example: BarGraph.py.

Masked Sprites

This demostrates the masking possibilities. In this example to two masks are defined with one masking an image and the second masking a second sprite (Movie clip). The corresponding example: MaskedSprite.py

Puzzle Solutions

This uses the rotation functionality of the display item place shapes into the correct locations. Each solution is individual defined and split into individual shapes. As a solution is scanned, shape objects are created that provide information about the rotation and mirror-ness of the shape in the particular solution.

This makes it possible to rotate the individual shapes into position. It also makes it possible to move the shapes from one solution to the next, each shape has its own display item.

Street Map

This uses the followPath method to make a shape follow a specific path. In this case, it's a a set of directions overlayed on a streetmap. Basis for the SWF is an SVG which defines the background image and the paths of the individual directions.

The example also shows that it's possible to rotate the shape that is following the path, and it's also possible to add alhpa values so that the underlining street names are still visible. All colours and shapes are defined in the original SVG.

The background image was taken from Stadtplandienst.de.

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